Saturday, 29 October 2022

How to write a blurb/book description for more effective marketing?

A blurb is a tagline on the back-cover (or website) that is meant to sell your book. The blurb should include any information that represents the book best and catches the readers’ attention when buying a book; even when you opt for Kindle direct publishing, UK or otherwise.

How to write an enticing book teaser for Amazon Kindle self-publishing

The plot-

  1. Briefly describe the plot of your book.
  2. For fiction; introduce the main character, the problem & perhaps a twist. For non-fiction, it should be addressed to the reader with a proposed solution.
  3. You also should NOT give everything away in your full description.
  4. Include reviews at the end along-with the source.

The main character-

  1. It should be the character specifically (to relate with readers) and not generally about others.
  2. Mention the main character’s name. In non-fiction it is “you”.

Be concise

  1. Do not start with such phrases as “In this book, . . . .” or “In a world where . . .”
  2. Do not explain why you wrote the book or how it changed your life.
  3. Include only 1-2 problems of the main character in your teaser.
  4. If the teaser seems too long, delete the less important parts.

Don’t insist on readers that they need your book

  1. Readers don’t like be told what they need to do.
  2. Don’t use phrases like “this is the best book ever!” or “this book will change your life!”Show how good your book is with a great, attention-grabbing description.

Potential buyers notice a blurb first when they see a bookIt determines whether the reader will read your book or not.

Book designers, UK as White Magic Studios will support you with other publishing support such as editing, formatting, layouts, book-cover, e-book conversionsChildren’s book illustrators, UK will help you by creating engrossing illustrations for great sales.


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